Thank you! We have had an amazing last quarter and we were so honored to be a part of so many wonderful weddings and other events. With that, our quarterly donation went out to OREGON FALLEN BADGE FOUNDATION. We are so thankful that we are able to contribute to causes such as this one.
For the last quarter of the year we would like to focus on FOOD. FOOD, we are all about feeding people. That is why, for our fourth quarter we will be donating to our local MEALS ON WHEELS program. MEALS ON WHEELS provides an "in house" option. The "in house" program serves lunch to those wanting to come in and enjoy a dining room setting. Their meals include a full balanced meal along with milk, coffee, also choice from a nice dessert and salad bar. Participating in their congregate dining room provides seniors with the opportunity to socialize and meet new friends, while enjoying a nice meal. Seniors and their family members or caregivers are invited to come in on a walk-in basis. MEALS ON WHEELS: Their home delivered meals can be provided to home bound seniors in Oregon City, West Linn, Beavercreek and Redland areas. For persons over the age of 60 or those under 60 referred by Medicaid, Meals are provided five days per week (Monday-Friday) at the noon hour. Dietary options are available for diabetics and those needing low cholesterol and low no added sodium meals. Frozen meals are available for holidays and weekends as needed. The Meals on Wheels program can connect you with other programs and services that are available in Clackamas County and through local organizations,services such as Senior Companions, FIDO(Animeals), Energy Assistance, and Holiday Food Boxes. For more information call 503-722-5979 (In-Office hours are 9am-1pm Monday - Friday). #CateringforaCause In addition to many smaller donations that we make throughout the year, here are two fundraisers that we are involved with, coming in October and November.
Take a look! If you feel strongly about the cause, buy a ticket, enjoy a great meal and support a great cause! Life Impact - OCTOBER 20th - Pioneer Center Ballroom, Silent Auction and Dinner Life Impacts Mission is to impact all nations for Christ by strengthening the vitality of ministry leaders through hosted places of skilled personalized care. Life Impact offers (globally located) hosted places of rest, retreat, and renewal (called Oases) for ministry leaders. Our guests have the option of utilizing coaching services when they visit an Oasis. (541) 550-3732 Email: [email protected] Clackamas High School Musical Arts Program - NOVEMBER 3rd - Ainsworth House and Gardens, Gala Dinner CHS Musical Arts is a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring the students of Clackamas High School have access to a high quality music program. When school budgets are stretched thin, music programs are often the first to see funding cuts. Donations made to CHS Musical Arts help the Clackamas band, choir, and orchestra programs afford uniforms, music, transportation costs, annual trips to compete in New York and Disneyland, and much more. Why the musical arts? Research shows that involvement in music programs can improve a student's IQ, test scores, language development, and helps them learn essential work skills and life lessons. Your donations help enrich the lives of over 200 CHS students and are 100% tax deductible! Tax ID 81-4924842 Contact(503) 309-2975 [email protected]Facebook 12-99, officer needs help - emergency.
This is the code every officer in the State of Oregon knows, but never wants to hear. When men and women enter law enforcement and take the oath to protect our communities, they make this commitment knowing the potential consequences, and yet, bravely do it anyway. Here at TCR Catering, we have the utmost of respect and gratitude for this selfless act. Although no officer ever wants to hear it, unfortunately, 12-99 is sometimes called and reality is sometimes darkened. Sadly, when the tragedy no one wants to happen does, it is not only emotionally devastating for loved ones, but oftentimes financially burdensome as well. While there is a federally funded program to assist families, there can often be a long period of time before any benefits are received. Meanwhile, many families face unforeseen financial issues, and can be left unable to afford a proper tribute for their loved one. The Oregon Fallen Badge Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that all fallen officers in the State of Oregon, receive the honorable and traditional ceremony they so rightfully deserve. The foundation works to provide this assistance at no cost to suffering families. Therefore, TCR will be CATERING for a CAUSE this summer, in an effort to honor our fallen heroes, by donating a portion of all summer proceeds, directly to the foundation. It is our hope at TCR Catering, that no officer has to hear 12-99 over the police scanner this summer, and certainly hope it doesn’t lead to the loss of a brave and beloved officer. Thankfully, there is the Fallen Badge Foundation to provide if needed, and this summer enjoying fabulous food from TCR, will contribute towards those efforts. #CateringforaCause The days are getting longer and the sun is beginning to melt the last remnants of snow, warming the forest floor. Soon the buds of the Indian Plum will open, and the spectacular array of wildflowers in the Columbia Gorge will appear. Once again, egg hunts are bringing joy to children, and rodeo events are leaving spectators thrilled.
Naturalists are guiding hikers through the marvelous changes of the western woods, and Master Gardeners are spreading knowledge at local garden fairs. Folks are beginning to picnic in parks during the day, and roast marshmallows by campfires at night. While hospitals start to fill with newborns, it's likely to find a high school student anticipating their upcoming graduation, or a bride her upcoming, “I do.” Yup. It's springtime! The time of year when nature wakes from its winter sleep, greets us with the marvels of its elegance, and welcomes us to enjoy the freedoms of this magnificent Country, in the presence of its glorious beauty. The freedoms of our Country however, which are so delightfully experienced in spring, are not freedoms that came for free, but freedoms that were honorably and heroically fought for. Since the birth of our Nation, men and women of all generations have left their families behind to courageously embark on a selfless mission to protect our liberty. America is independent today, because of the sacrifices and bravery of our veterans. Sadly, a great majority of veterans return home from war, only to face burdensome challenges. Many find it difficult to adjust back into society, and are unable to enjoy for themselves, the freedoms they so gallantly fought for. Numerous veterans find themselves dealing with severe financial, emotional, and mental challenges, that can leave them unemployed, homeless, and oftentimes suffering from mental illness, such as PTSD. It is a very heartbreaking reality. Our veterans gave us the opportunity to live happy lives, and here at Two Chicks and a Rooster Catering, we want the same for our veterans. Therefore, with deep respect and immense gratitude, TCR will be CATERING for a CAUSE this spring in honor of our veterans and paying it forward to them by donating a portion of all spring proceeds, directly to the Oregon Service Member Relief Fund. An organization dedicated to ensuring that all the veterans of Oregon, as well as their families, are provided with the proper guidance, support, and compassion needed, to receive the benefits they so rightfully deserve. So as spring rolls on, bringing the memories of: blooming wildflowers, egg hunts, rodeos, hikes, garden fairs, picnics, campfires, baby showers, graduations, and weddings, TCR will be CATERING for a CAUSE in recognition of our valiant veterans who without, we would not have these Spring Freedoms. #CateringforaCause It was one year ago today, with a very heavy heart, Clackamas County said goodbye to a gracious and beloved soul. Teri Gant was more than an instrument, she was the music that warmed many hearts on even the coldest nights. Her commitment and devotion toward helping others in need, has forever left a mark of love on our community.
For this winter season, TCR will be CATERING for a CAUSE in honor of Teri Gant and her remarkable efforts to ensure everyone has a warm meal to eat and a safe place to sleep. Therefore, TCR will be donating a portion of all winter proceeds directly to The Father's Heart Street Ministry, a shelter of hope, founded by Teri. While Teri’s benevolent spirit lives on as an angel to our community, the shelter’s volunteers continue her goodwill with love. They directly give back to our community by opening the shelter doors every day and providing to those who need: a safe place to rest, warm meals, showers, basic necessities, clothing, guidance, and friendship. There are a number of success stories of people whose lives have been saved by the shelters dedicated volunteers. Like with most shelters however, the assistance they are able to provide is highly dependent on the donations of generous hearts. The beginning of the year can often bring a difficult struggle to a shelter, as the winter season rolls on, the giving season of the holidays comes to an end. It is our privilege here at Two Chicks and a Rooster, to pay it forward to The Father's Heart Street Ministry this winter and help them overcome any challenges. So, as TCR is CATERING for a CAUSE at your next winter event, you can feel extra good about the food you're eating, because every bite of delicious food from TCR is contributing toward making a difference, right here in our local community! #CateringforaCause |
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